Saturday, September 16, 2006

kucing. saya ada kucing, nama dia brown. dia ada kurap. kucing saya sudah ada anak sedara. tiga ekor sumanya. anak sedara itu datang daripada kakaknya. namanya beng. nama dia beng sebab ekor dia bengkok. brown ada seekor abang, nama dia black. dia kucing hitam yg penakut. mak brown nama tom...guess what her name?? tom cruise? naaa..tom abang saufi?..naaaa..tom-tom bak?..naaa..tompok lah!!

What Is A Cat?

Gentle eyes
that see so much,
paws that have
the quiet touch.

Purrs to signal
"all is well"
and show more love
than words can tell.

Graceful movements
touched with pride,
a calming presence
by our side.

A friendship
that will last and grow,
small wonder
why we love them so.

1 comment:

~The Urban Factor~ said...

i dun love cats. but cats love me. they love to Boo! me because i think they know that i know that they know that i know that they know that i'm frightened of them. hahaha! I dun like catttsssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kuku depa panjangggg!! hehehe

u can kawan with my kawan named noe coz she suka cats just like u do. in fact, i think u two can be good friends becoz u two have the same interest which is cat. and both of u also likes to watch football games. yes! i think she'll like to be ur friend.

come to my house. i can rekemen u two to be friends.
