Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan

Selamat Berpuasa.
Tapi aku tak boleh puasa.
He..Murtabak was our first dish for our first day of puasa. My mum invited us to her house. yum2 Mee Lemak. but che mat cannot eat mee. so he told me his mum invited us to their house to buka puasa. i told him x payah becoz he had lot of papers to mark. so fair and square. x pi buka umah sapa2. so we decided to make our own lauk...kailan goreng ikan masin, which was eaten during sahur..(kesian dia tak makan nasik..tapi murtabak tu sedap kan??)
To all my frens out there, selamat berpuasa.

1 comment:

~The Urban Factor~ said...

loh...cian tak makan nasik. mati tak?mwehehehehe jangan mare...lawak bodo jeh...