Berikut adalah himpunan hadis-hadis yang berkenaan.
Doa wanita lebih maqbul daripada lelaki kerana sifat penyayang yang
lebih kuat daripada lelaki. Ketika ditanya kepada Rasulallah s.a.w.
akan hal tersebut, jawab baginda : "Ibu lebih penyayang daripada bapa
dan doa orang yang penyayang tidak akan sia-sia."
Wanita yang solehah (baik) itu lebih baik daripada 1,000 orang
lelaki yang tidak soleh.
Seorang wanita solehah adalah lebih baik daripada 70 orang wali.
Seorang wanita solehah adalah lebih baik daripada 70 lelaki soleh.
Barang siapa yang menggembirakan anak perempuannya, darjatnya
seumpama orang yang sentiasa menangis kerana takutkan Allah s.w.t. dan orang
yang takutkan Allah s.w.t. akan diharamkan api neraka ke atas tubuhnya.
Barang siapa yang membawa hadiah (barang makanan dari pasar ke
rumah)lalu diberikan kepada keluarganya, maka pahalanya seperti
Hendaklah mendahulukan anak perempuan daripada anak lelaki. Maka
barangsiapa yang menyukakan anak perempuan seolah-olah dia
memerdekakan anak Nabi Ismail a.s.
Tidaklah seorang wanita yang haid itu, kecuali haidnya merupakan
kifarat(tebusan) untuk dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu, dan apabila pada hari
pertama haidnya membaca "Alhamdulillahi'alaa Kulli Halin Wa
Astaghfirullah“ (Segala puji bagi Allah dalam segala keadaan dan aku
mohon ampun kepada Allah dari segala dosa.); maka Allah menetapkan
dia bebas dari neraka dan dengan mudah melalui siratul mustaqim yang
aman dari seksa, bahkan Allah Ta'ala mengangkatnya ke atas darjat,
seperti darjatnya 40 orang mati syahid, apabila dia selalu berzikir kepada
Allah selama haidnya.
Wanita yang tinggal bersama anak-anaknya akan tinggal bersama aku
Rasulullah s.a.w.) di dalam syurga.
Barang siapa mempunyai tiga anak perempuan atau tiga saudara
perempuan atau dua anak perempuan atau dua saudara perempuan, lalu dia
bersikap ehsan dalam pergaulan dengan mereka dan mendidik mereka dengan penuh
rasa taqwa serta bertanggungjawab, maka baginya adalah syurga.
Daripada Aisyah r.ha. "Barang siapa yang diuji dengan sesuatu
daripada anak-anak perempuannya, lalu dia berbuat baik kepada mereka, maka
mereka akan menjadi penghalang baginya daripada api neraka."
Syurga itu di bawah telapak kaki ibu.
Apabila memanggil akan engkau dua orang ibubapamu, maka jawablah
panggilan ibumu dahulu.
Wanita yang taat berkhidmat kepada suaminya akan tertutup pintu-
pintu neraka dan terbuka pintu-pintu syurga. Masuklah dari mana-mana pintu
yang dia kehendaki dengan tidak dihisab.
Wanita yang taat akan suaminya, semua ikan-ikan di laut, burung di
udara, malaikat di langit, matahari dan bulan, semuanya beristighfar
baginya selama mana dia taat kepada suaminya dan meredhainya. (serta
menjaga sembahyang dan puasanya)
Aisyah r.ha. berkata "Aku bertanya kepada Rasulullah s.a.w. siapakah
yang lebih besar haknya terhadap wanita ?" Jawab
baginda, "Suaminya".
"Siapa pula berhak terhadap lelaki?" Jawab Rasulullah
s.a.w. "Ibunya".
Seorang wanita yang apabila mengerjakan solat lima waktu, berpuasa
wajib sebulan (Ramadhan), memelihara kehormatannya serta taat kepada
suaminya,maka pasti akan masuk syurga dari pintu mana saja yang dia
Tiap perempuan yang menolong suaminya dalam urusan agama, maka Allah
s.w.t. memasukkan dia ke dalam syurga lebih dahulu daripada
suaminya(10,000 tahun).
Apabila seseorang perempuan mengandung janin dalam rahimnya, maka
beristighfarlah para malaikat untuknya. Allah s.w.t. mencatatkan
baginya setiap hari dengan 1,000 kebaikan dan menghapuskan darinya 1,000
Dua rakaat solat dari wanita yang hamil adalah lebih baik daripada
80 rakaat solat wanita yang tidak hamil.
Wanita yang hamil akan dapat pahala berpuasa pada siang hari.
Wanita yang hamil akan dapat pahala beribadat pada malam hari.
Apabila seseorang perempuan mulai sakit hendak bersalin, maka Allah
s.w.t. mencatatkan baginya pahala orang yang berjihad pada jalan
Allah s.w.t.
Wanita yang bersalin akan mendapat pahala 70 tahun solat dan puasa
dan setiap kesakitan pada satu uratnya Allah mengurniakan satu pahala
Apabila seseorang perempuan melahirkan anak, keluarlah dia daripada
dosa-dosa seperti keadaan ibunya melahirkannya.
Sekiranya wanita mati dalam masa 40 hari selepas bersalin, dia akan
dikira sebagai mati syahid.
Wanita yang memberi minum susu kepada anaknya daripada badannya
(susu badan) akan dapat satu pahala daripada tiap-tiap titik susu yang
Jika wanita menyusui anaknya sampai cukup tempoh (2 1/2 tahun), maka
malaikat-malaikat di langit akan khabarkan berita bahawa syurga
wajib baginya.
Jika wanita memberi susu badannya kepada anaknya yang menangis,
Allah akan memberi pahala satu tahun solat dan puasa.
Wanita yang habiskan malamnya dengan tidur yang tidak selesa kerana
menjaga anaknya yang sakit akan mendapat pahala seperti membebaskan
20 orang hamba.
Wanita yang tidak cukup tidur pada malam hari kerana menjaga anak
yang sakit akan diampunkan oleh Allah akan seluruh dosanya dan bila dia
hiburkan hati anaknya Allah memberi 12 tahun pahala ibadat.
Apabila seorang wanita mencucikan pakaian suaminya, maka Allah
mencatatkan baginya seribu kebaikan, dan mengampuni dua ribu
kesalahannya, bahkan segala sesuatu yang disinari sang suria akan
meminta keampunan baginya, dan Allah mengangkatkannya seribu darjat
Seorang wanita yang solehah lebih baik daripada seribu orang lelaki
yang tidak soleh, dan seorang wanita yang melayani suaminya selama
seminggu,maka ditutupkan baginya tujuh pintu neraka dan dibukakan baginya
lapan pintu syurga, yang dia dapat masuk dari pintu mana saja tanpa
Mana-mana wanita yang menunggu suaminya hingga pulanglah ia,
disapukan mukanya, dihamparkan duduknya atau menyediakan makan minumnya atau
merenung ia pada suaminya atau memegang tangannya, memperelokkan
hidangan padanya, memelihara anaknya atau memanfaatkan hartanya pada
suaminya kerana mencari keredhaan Allah, maka disunatkan baginya
akan tiap-tiap kalimah ucapannya, tiap-tiap langkahnya dan setiap
renungannya pada suaminya sebagaimana memerdekakan seorang hamba. Pada hari
Qiamat kelak, Allah kurniakan Nur hingga tercengang wanita mukmin semuanya
atas kurniaan rahmat itu. Tiada seorang pun yang sampai ke mertabat itu
melainkan Nabi-nabi.
Tidakkan putus ganjaran dari Allah kepada seorang isteri yang siang
dan malamnya menggembirakan suaminya.
Wanita yang melihat suaminya dengan kasih sayang dan suaminya
melihat isterinya dengan kasih sayang akan di pandang Allah dengan penuh
Jika wanita melayan suami tanpa khianat akan mendapat pahala 12
tahun solat.
Wanita yang melayan dengan baik suami yang pulang ke rumah di dalam
keadaan letih akan medapat pahala jihad.
Jika wanita memicit suami tanpa disuruh akan mendapat pahala 7 tola
dan jika wanita memicit suami bila disuruh akan mendapat pahala tola
Dari Hazrat Muaz : Mana-mana wanita yang berdiri atas dua kakinya
membakar roti untuk suaminya hingga muka dan tangannya kepanasan
oleh api, maka diharamkan muka dan tangannya dari bakaran api neraka.
Thabit Al Banani berkata : Seorang wanita dari Bani Israel yang buta
sebelah matanya sangat baik khidmatnya kepada suaminya. Apabila ia
menghidangkan makanan dihadapan suaminya, dipegangnya pelita
sehingga suaminya selesai makan. Pada suatu malam pelitanya kehabisan sumbu,
maka diambilnya rambutnya dijadikan sumbu pelita. Pada keesokkannya
matanya yang buta telah celik. Allah kurniakan keramat (kemuliaan pada
perempuan itu kerana memuliakan dan menghormati suaminya).
Pada suatu ketika di Madinah, Rasulullah s.a.w. keluar mengiringi
jenazah. Baginda dapati beberapa orang wanita dalam majlis itu.
Baginda lalu bertanya, "Adakah kamu menyembahyangkan mayat?" Jawab
mereka,"Tidak" Sabda Baginda "Seeloknya kamu sekelian tidak perlu
ziarah dan tidak ada pahala bagi kamu. Tetapi tinggallah di rumah dan
berkhidmatlah kepada suami nescaya pahalanya sama dengan ibadat-
ibadat orang lelaki.
Wanita yang memerah susu binatang dengan 'Bismillah' akan didoakan
oleh binatang itu dengan doa keberkatan.
Wanita yang menguli tepung gandum dengan 'Bismillah', Allah akan
berkatkan rezekinya.
Wanita yang menyapu lantai dengan berzikir akan mendapat pahala
seperti meyapu lantai di Baitullah.
"Wahai Fatimah, untuk setiap wanita yang mengeluarkan peluh ketika
membuat roti, Allah akan membinakan 7 parit di antara dirinya
dengan api
neraka, jarak di antara parit itu ialah sejauh langit dan bumi."
"Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang memintal benang, Allah akan
mencatatkan untuknya perbuatan baik sebanyak utus benang yang
dibuat dan memadamkan seratus perbuatan jahat."
"Wahai Fatimah, untuk setiap wanita yang menganyam akan benang
dibuatnya, Allah telah menentukan satu tempat khas untuknya di atas
tahta di hari akhirat."
"Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang memintal benang dan kemudian
dibuat pakaian untuk anak-anaknya maka Allah akan mencatatkan
baginya ganjaran sama seperti orang yang memberi makan kepada 1000 orang
lapar dan memberi pakaian kepada 1000 orang yang tidak berpakaian."
"Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang meminyakkan rambut anaknya,
menyikatnya, mencuci pakaian mereka dan mencuci akan diri anaknya
itu,Allah akan mencatatkan untuknya pekerjaan baik sebanyak helai rambut
mereka dan memadamkan sebanyak itu pula pekerjaan jahat dan
menjadikan dirinya kelihatan berseri di mata orang-orang yang
Sabda Nabi s.a.w. : "Ya Fatimah barang mana wanita meminyakkan
rambut dan janggut suaminya, memotong misai dan mengerat kukunya, Allah
akan memberi minum akan dia dari sungai-sungai serta diringankan Allah
baginya sakaratul maut dan akan didapatinya kuburnya menjadi sebuah
taman daripada taman-taman syurga dan dicatatkan Allah baginya
dari api neraka dan selamatlah ia melintas Titian Shirat."
Jika suami mengajarkan isterinya satu masalah akan mendapat pahala
80 tahun ibadat.
Wanita yang menyebabkan suaminya keluar dan berjuang ke jalan Allah
dan kemudian menjaga adab rumahtangganya akan masuk syurga 500 tahun
lebih awal daripada suaminya, akan menjadi ketua 70,000 malaikat dan
bidadari dan wanita itu akan dimandikan di dalam syurga, dan menunggu
suaminya dengan menunggang kuda yang dibuat daripada yakut.
Semua orang akan dipanggil untuk melihat wajah Allah di akhirat,
tetapi Allah akan datang sendiri kepada wanita yang memberati auratnya
iaitu memakai purdah di dunia ini dengan istiqamah.
Dunia ini adalah perhiasan dan sebaik-baik perhiasan ialah wanita
(isteri) yang solehah.
Salah satu tanda keberkatan wanita itu ialah cepat perkahwinannya,
cepat pula kehamilannya dan ringan pula maharnya (mas kahwin).
Sebaik-baik wanita ialah wanita (isteri) yang apabila engkau
kepadanya ia menggirangkan engkau, jika engkau memerintah ditaatinya
perintah engkau (taat) dan jika engkau berpergian dijaga harta
dan dirinya.
Dunia yang paling aku sukai ialah wanita solehah.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
bird watching
yesterday, when i'm on my way to work, i saw an eagle resting on the lamp pole nearby jln duta toll. penat kut..o he feels that it is not safety for him to fly because of the jarak penglihatan semakin bekurangan. big greyish eagle..besaq tau..
after afew sec, melepasi bukit2 along hiway jln duta, there's a clear view of desapark city, and some part at kepong, cannot be seen dalam jarak 100km. as usual after passing that area, u'll c the bukit, which is part of FRIM, clearly. the greeny and the greyish bukit berbalam-balam tu, bole dilihat dari jauh...tapi la, x dpt dah...
nak bernapas skrg pun agak sukar dan aku rasa semput aku semakin lama semakin bertambah. cemana bleh jadi 'gu tu ha?
berbalik pada cerita bird watching...aku suka tgk burung atau spesis mergastua bernama helang. bukan sebab aku penah duk langkawi, tapi masa aku p kuching dan masa kecik2 dulu mmg aku suka tgk langit...di tambahkan lagi, aku suka gak lagu, I Believe I can Fly'. inspirasi tu...sebab tu aku tak kalut bila naik kapai terbang...mulut cabul lagi ada..macam2 duk pikiaq dlm kpala ni...macam filem Final Destination dulu tu...hehee...
pernah dgr lagu dewa tajuk 'Elang'? sapa suka dewa mesti pernah dgr...biasa jer.
apa special nya helang ni?
macam mana aku buleh suka?
dulu..masa aku darjah satu, dlm buku sejarah sekolah agama, ada gambar burung ababil..semestinya burung ababil tu pembawak batu dari gunung masa perang al fil..tapi di ilustrasikan dlm buku itu, rupanya mcam helang. so fikiran anak kecil..wah hebat lah burung ni..nasib baik tak tanya ustazah..."Buraq tu mcm mana rupanya?"...ustazah kata...Nabi Muhammad SAW sj yg tau...
yes..baru aku ingat, seumur hidup aku, pernah tgk 5 spesis helang yg berbeza dlm satu hari...(mcm hebat jer bunyi!) ye lah masa tu buat site planning untuk pulau carey...depa nak cadangkan Eagle Sanctuary...sbb dkt situ bnyk Helang. Spesis yg dudk kat bukit, kwsn kelapa sawit dan laut. byk lah...
yang nyata nya..burung2 nih dah nak pupus..dan aku..rasa paling x pupus..yg duk ada di dataran lang tu..hahaha..hawk-falcon-eagle-helang-lang
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
akhirnya...(berjaya gak ubuh gambaq aku yang manjaa!)
Tell me it's real,
This feeling that we feel,
Tell me that it's real,
Don't let love come just to pass us by,
It's all we have to do,
It's up to me and you,
To make this special love last forever more
Baby you told me that you love me and you'd never leave my side,
Through the bitter end, through the thick and thin,
You promised me baby that you wasn't going anywhere, yes you did
Baby keep it real, let me know just how you feel
(Repeat Chorus)
I can't explain the way you make me feel,
Everytime that you tell me that you love me,
And you know you did, so many times,
Just when I thought that love could never be a part of me,
That's when you came along,
And showed me happiness,
Baby you are the best,
I think you're different from the rest,
I really love you
(Repeat Chorus)
Tell me it's real,
This feeling that I feel,
Tell me it's real,
For your love,
I will do anything
(Repeat Chorus)
( Do you really love me? Do you really care?? You promised that
you'd never leave my side, you promised that you'd always be there!)
And Momma told me take it slow,
boy you just don't know,
anything about love,
if u and I were meant to be,
u would know,
it would show,
by the end of the song.
by the end of the song, this hensem guy propose me to be his wife..1999.
merdeka di mataku
merdeka dimataku
kepercayaan kepada tuhan dan rasul,
percaya pada diri sendiri,
tidak terikat dengan sesuatu.
ketika bertatih tanpa bantuan tongkat,
berlari laju tanpa halangan,
berjalan lurus tanpa sempadan,
berenang tanpa tepian.
merdeka dimataku itu..
bukan untuk anak2 muda zaman sekarang.
sakit perut..
woke up early this morning. sakit perut..
alhamdulillah..selesai...mandi siap suma,
pi keja. sakit perut..mkn pa hah kemarin?
sotong, kangkung ikan masin, teloq bungkus,
sakit perut...restoran jejantas sg buloh..
first stop...rawang selatan, second stop..
opis...tamau juga..sakit perut sampai tgh..ok dah..
penat sikit pi site tadi..pi ukuq ghumah..
dah tau nak suruh design landscape x bagi plan siap2..
susahkan org nak p kira balik...
alhamdulillah..selesai...mandi siap suma,
pi keja. sakit perut..mkn pa hah kemarin?
sotong, kangkung ikan masin, teloq bungkus,
sakit perut...restoran jejantas sg buloh..
first stop...rawang selatan, second stop..
opis...tamau juga..sakit perut sampai tgh..ok dah..
penat sikit pi site tadi..pi ukuq ghumah..
dah tau nak suruh design landscape x bagi plan siap2..
susahkan org nak p kira balik...
Monday, August 21, 2006
kereta yang rosak...
nak nangis rasanya bila keta rosak..dah ler cantik2 ni, sempena nikah kak siti kita..huhu..dah jodoh mu...bahagia lah hinnga ke akhir hayat di berkat dan dirahmati. nasib baik keta rosak kat jln tangsi jer..dkt dgn bank negara tu..berenti plak dpn bali polis jln parlimen...ntah..berenti jer. dgn suara risau dan susah hati, aku pun telepon bos bagi tau aku dtg lambat hari ni, keta rosak. dah ler en jas x dak di kl...lone ranger lah aku lagi...
aku bawak keta pi paking kat bukit aman, tmpt paking masa laman hari tu..nak mintak tolong pak uda, aku rasa dah tau dah jawapan dia...alamak...cemana ek? uda bukan nyer tau bab2 kereta aku pun mengabai jer lah kata2 suami ku itu..aku lebih arif pak cikku cemana...
bwk kereta perlahan lalu ler jln loke yew balik. nampak lah macam benkel kerete, tapi ada org basuh2 n aku pun tanya..sah ler bukan workshop..bwk slow2 lagi terus balik rumah lah..pi tmn tenaga. workshop biasa aku p service keta tu... ok gak..sebab ada bank kat situ..boleh cucuk, ada cc boleh lepak sambil menulis blog..(tgh tulis nih!) dalm setangah jam kot siap... tunguuu jer lah...oh dah pukul 10.30..kak ct mesti dup dap dup dap, tgh sarung cincin tunang lah tu...keh komen dah pasal pompuan nih..biar ler dia dan hidupnyer..
aku bawak keta pi paking kat bukit aman, tmpt paking masa laman hari tu..nak mintak tolong pak uda, aku rasa dah tau dah jawapan dia...alamak...cemana ek? uda bukan nyer tau bab2 kereta aku pun mengabai jer lah kata2 suami ku itu..aku lebih arif pak cikku cemana...
bwk kereta perlahan lalu ler jln loke yew balik. nampak lah macam benkel kerete, tapi ada org basuh2 n aku pun tanya..sah ler bukan workshop..bwk slow2 lagi terus balik rumah lah..pi tmn tenaga. workshop biasa aku p service keta tu... ok gak..sebab ada bank kat situ..boleh cucuk, ada cc boleh lepak sambil menulis blog..(tgh tulis nih!) dalm setangah jam kot siap... tunguuu jer lah...oh dah pukul 10.30..kak ct mesti dup dap dup dap, tgh sarung cincin tunang lah tu...keh komen dah pasal pompuan nih..biar ler dia dan hidupnyer..
Friday, August 18, 2006
Surat Berantai...
teringat aku cerita abai pagi tadi pasal amin dapat call dari seorg nigger x dikenali. pasal orang mati dan x dak sedara mara. nak inherit harta dia pada org x dikenali seluruh dunia..
aku pernah dapat email mcm tu. dan aku rasa org tu boleh call amin mungkin sbb amin letak no phone kat particular form pd email dia, dan this nigger dapat detact, dan call amin. takut gak kalu jadi kat sapa2, sebab once this mr somebody dapat ur phone no, nnt dia buat benda lain plak..cemana? time be carefull while giving particulars in email or accessing internet..
lain plak jd kat aku. sebab x dan nak cerita kat abai pagi tadi, aku promise nak ubuh dalam blog. suppost to wrtie this thing 2 days ago, but..macam2 lah kerja sampai lupa. the story goes like this. one fine evening, my boss sister got a letter from spain. the letter was about giving lottery to selected peoples all over the world. so my lucky sister ni, came to me and forward to me the letter. aku memang la susah nak caya benda ni, nak nya cerita pasal duit..suma org buta mata sat..
nak dijadikan cerita, the next morning, aku sampai opis, my boss duk baca surat tu. he looks like obsess dgn that thing, until he faxed surat tu utk reply lah. but it was rejected a few sec, until one time benda tu jln la...
see...betapa percayanya dia dgn benda2 karut mcam tu. mana ada org dlm dunia ni nak bagi duit2 senang2 kat org?? ada? roda impian pun kena menang nasib dan pertaruhkan kepandaian diri nak menang duit sejuta. yes lah...mana x nyer, dlm surat tu kata dpt dalam 60ribu euro..kalau x silap aku lah...kali 6 lagi...berapa duit malaysia???
tak pa lah...kesimpulan nya, kalaulah duit tu depa dapat, aku tumpang gembira lah..
...tuah ayam nampak di kaki, tuah manusia siapa tahu??...
aku pernah dapat email mcm tu. dan aku rasa org tu boleh call amin mungkin sbb amin letak no phone kat particular form pd email dia, dan this nigger dapat detact, dan call amin. takut gak kalu jadi kat sapa2, sebab once this mr somebody dapat ur phone no, nnt dia buat benda lain plak..cemana? time be carefull while giving particulars in email or accessing internet..
lain plak jd kat aku. sebab x dan nak cerita kat abai pagi tadi, aku promise nak ubuh dalam blog. suppost to wrtie this thing 2 days ago, but..macam2 lah kerja sampai lupa. the story goes like this. one fine evening, my boss sister got a letter from spain. the letter was about giving lottery to selected peoples all over the world. so my lucky sister ni, came to me and forward to me the letter. aku memang la susah nak caya benda ni, nak nya cerita pasal duit..suma org buta mata sat..
nak dijadikan cerita, the next morning, aku sampai opis, my boss duk baca surat tu. he looks like obsess dgn that thing, until he faxed surat tu utk reply lah. but it was rejected a few sec, until one time benda tu jln la...
see...betapa percayanya dia dgn benda2 karut mcam tu. mana ada org dlm dunia ni nak bagi duit2 senang2 kat org?? ada? roda impian pun kena menang nasib dan pertaruhkan kepandaian diri nak menang duit sejuta. yes lah...mana x nyer, dlm surat tu kata dpt dalam 60ribu euro..kalau x silap aku lah...kali 6 lagi...berapa duit malaysia???
tak pa lah...kesimpulan nya, kalaulah duit tu depa dapat, aku tumpang gembira lah..
...tuah ayam nampak di kaki, tuah manusia siapa tahu??...
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In-depth analysis
Your palm lines
Special markings
History behind palmistry
For More Reading
Hernie, the shape of your hand reveals that you are especially good at
Expressing your true self
The signs we read in your palm indicate you have much to gain by exploring and declaring who you really are. By putting directed energy toward your self-expression, your efforts will be returned multi-fold.
How does Tickle know this about you? Using a sample of over 1400 people, Tickle's psychologists sought to validate what palmists have known for centuries — the lines in your hand and the formation of your palm can be a true reflection of the individual if properly interpreted. Through rigorous statistical analyses, Tickle was able to find empirical evidence that certain relationships exist between the characteristics of your palm and the way you approach life. For example, our research experts found that there is a significant likelihood that people with:
A Life Line origin high and close to their index finger live life to its fullest
A variable depth Head Line have widely varying levels of concentration
A Heart Line destination curving toward their middle finger are highly expressive
Rounded fingers and thumbs are impressionable
A pink Mound of Saturn have a high sense of self worth and are reliable and cautious
Hand analysis has been used for centuries to explore possibilities for the present and future. Hand analysts believe that your life shapes the lines in your palm because the way that you use your hands directly reflects your relationship to the world. An in-depth analysis of your palm can help you tap into your special abilities as well as help you guide your future by reading the signs.
To help you better consider the information you might hear from a traditionally trained palmist or hand analyst, Tickle has generated a traditional palm reading with scientific annotations. These annotations reflect the confidence with which Tickle would agree with a traditionally trained palmist. Items with three checkmarks reflect a high confidence of accuracy — three or more claims were statistically validated in Tickle's study. Items with two checkmarks indicate that two claims were statistically validated. Items with one checkmark indicate that one claim was statistically validated. Items with no checkmarks were not validated in Tickle's study.
Palmists can learn a substantial amount from the lines of your palm. The four major lines are your Life Line, Head Line, Heart Line, and Destiny Line. From your Life Line, a palmist can tell what your general approach to life is and how you deal with life's challenges. Your Head Line reveals how you process information and think through problems. Your Heart Line can give a palmist insight into your personal relationships, including friends, family, and significant other(s). Your Destiny Line pertains to changes in your personal drive and focus over time. In addition, a palmist can read some of the lesser lines — if they are present in your palm — for information on your level of creativity, communication skill, and attachments you may have or will have with others throughout your life.
Life Line
The Life Line reveals your approach to life and how you handle uncertainty or hardship. It is a common misconception that the Life Line can tell you when you will die. Even persons with relatively short Life Lines can live a long life. Generally, the information that can be gleaned from your Life Line pertains to your overall outlook and the ease with which you will travel through your life.
You tend to seek out adventure in your life. To you there are no limitations. You often push yourself beyond the boundaries that may have been prescribed to you by others. Your individuality is likely to lead you in some unexpected directions.
One of the most important things to you in life is to make sure that you are living your life to its fullest. When you have regrets, they are likely to stem from a sense of not having done enough or wishing that you had done something differently.
When you are confronted with conflicts in life, you tend to react in a carefree manner, trusting that things will work out over time. This can mean that you may neglect a problem until you're swimming in hot water.
Head Line
The Head Line reveals how you process information and think through problems. It is a common misconception that the Head Line can tell you how intelligent you are. Persons with various styles of Head Lines can be very smart, but in different ways. Primarily, the information that can be gathered from your Head Line pertains to your particular way of understanding the information you come into contact with throughout your life.
When it comes to leadership, you are probably quite comfortable in either the role of the leader or the follower. Since taking charge is not necessarily something you covet, you are usually fine with stepping aside to let someone else take the lead. However, if no one else steps up, you know you are capable of taking on the leader role.
Your thought process tends to be based on intuition. You probably enjoy letting your imagination get the best of you during your decision-making process, and you may lean on some psychic abilities. Your knack to draw on your intuition may leave others feeling lost or confused about your thought process.
The projects that you tend to welcome the most are ones where you can rely on your intuition or people skills to solve various problems. You prefer this rather than periods of intense concentration.
When you have a choice, you'd probably rather research and investigate multiple options simultaneously. You are likely a master multi-tasker who enjoys having many balls in the air at the same time.
Heart Line
The Heart Line reveals how you handle the relationships in your life and how comfortable you are with intimacy. It is a common misconception that the Heart Line can tell you definitively what relationships you will have in the future. On average, the information that can be collected from your Heart Line indicates the influences in your life that have in the past or will in the future affect your personal relationships, including friends, family, and significant other(s).
Your ability to be intimate with others may be influenced by a lack of commitment. You may find it difficult to make emotional promises, even if you are married. People you don't know well may find you somewhat distant.
In a close relationship, you tend to be a nurturing person who is especially focused on helping others. Your ideal life partner will likely reward you for your sensitivity and generosity. At times, you may run into conflict in your relationships by being too self-sacrificing. This creates a resentful attitude in you.
For more information about your close relationships with others, see the "Attachment Lines" section of this report below.
Destiny Line
The Destiny Line (also called the Saturn Line) reveals changes in your personal drive and focus over time. There is much that a palmist can tell about your career and/or personal drive, including approximate timing of major events or changes — just by looking at the Destiny Line! Primarily, the information garnered from your Destiny Line on your right palm — the Palm you looked at to answer the questions on this test — pertains to your career. In turn, the information gathered from your Destiny Line on your left palm pertains to your personal sense of purpose.
Your career choice is likely influenced by your intense focus, along with your gifted ability to systematically set and achieve goals. Dedicated and persistent, the job most likely to make you work around the clock is one that rewards your steady and unwavering pace toward completing objectives.
Your career direction is likely constructed by your resourcefulness and adaptability. When you reach a fork in the road you're probably not worried. Most likely, you're able to feel comfortable following either path.
Apollo Line
The Apollo Line can predict your level of creativity and flexibility, although not everyone has an Apollo Line; it is a vertical line that appears below your ring finger.
The presence of an Apollo Line — especially a long or deep one — suggests higher than average success in creative ventures. A person with an Apollo Line is more likely to receive acknowledgement as an expert or specialist in their chosen field. There is also a high likelihood of gaining personal recognition.
Mercury Line
The Mercury Line can foretell your skill at communication or psychic ability. However, not everyone has a Mercury Line; it is a vertical line that appears below your pinky finger.
If you don't have a Mercury Line in your palm, it doesn't represent a lack of communication skills. Usually, it suggests you land around average or slightly above in your public speaking skills. Otherwise, there is a chance that you may not listen to your intuition as closely as those with a Mercury Line.
Your palm does not contain the Line of Psychic Ability, which resembles an arc that is an extension of a person's Mercury Line. While psychics do not always have the Line of Psychic Ability, those who have the line can more easily tap into their paranormal skills. While you may have psychic abilities, you will likely have a more difficult time accessing them than someone with the Line of Psychic Ability.
Attachment Lines
The Attachment Lines reveal the major relationships you may have with others. Traditional palmists engage in ample debate about the validity of these lines as predictions of marriages and children. However, most agree that the attachment lines indicate the possibility that a person might marry or have children, whether they choose to or not is a decision left to the individual.
A palmist would say that you will be married multiple times or have several committed relationships that do not lead to marriage. It will be up to you at some point to make a decision that will either drive you toward or away from each of these relationships. A palmist would say that you will have the opportunity to have at least one child, probably including a girl. The decision to embrace this opportunity to bring children into your life is yours.
The mounds of your palm can tell you what kinds of energy you possess naturally and which energies will be more difficult for you to access. Through a careful examination of the fleshy areas of your hand, you can learn which areas of life you will be most likely to find success. The following traits were determined by looking at the shape and color of different areas of your hand.
Mound of Jupiter
The Mound of Jupiter — located in the upper right corner of your palm, just below your index finger — is related to your personal power, your hopes and ambitions, and your ability to lead others.
You are blessed with a strong Mound of Jupiter. So, what does that mean? When you are at your best, the clear goals you set go hand-in-hand with your self-motivated direction. Together these qualities tend to set you apart from others as a strong leader.
Mound of Saturn
The Mound of Saturn — located in the upper portion of your palm, just below your middle finger — is related to your concept of self-worth, personal satisfaction, and security.
Your palm reveals a somewhat poor Mound of Saturn, as affirmed by its shape and color. You probably don't have an innate gift for self-reflection or personal accountability. To tap into your inner tranquility all you need to do is put forth the commitment to change. It's well within your reach!
Mound of Apollo
The Mound of Apollo — located in the upper portion of your palm, just below your ring finger — is related to self-expression, originality, and recognition of your talents by others.
You possess a hearty Mound of Apollo. When you're at the top of your game, you exude creativity effortlessly. Thinking quick on your feet is what you're known for. This along with your inventiveness sets you apart from the rest. If anyone is looking for an original perspective, they often come to you as an endless source of unique ideas.
Mound of Mercury
The Mound of Mercury — located in the upper portion of your palm, just below your pinky finger — is related to intimacy, spiritual understanding, and interpersonal communication.
You can tell by its great shape and color that a healthy dose of Mound of Mercury sits in your palm. When things are going well for you, one could say that communicating clearly is your strong point. You really understand what makes people tick. Others feel comfortable sharing intimate details of their life with you that they may not with others. Family and friends look to you as a deep and insightful confidant.
Mound of Mars
Upper Mound of Mars
The Upper Mound of Mars located in the middle left portion of your palm — is related to inner calm, boldness, and skill at dealing with life's problems.
The plump shape and color in your palm signifies a strong Upper Mound of Mars. When you have your best foot forward, you have the uncanny ability to maintain your cool in the midst of chaos. This singles you out from the rest as an exceptionally stable and brave individual.
Lower Mound of Mars
The Lower Mound of Mars — located in the middle right portion of your palm — is related to action, aggressiveness, and the momentum to make things happen.
You're all that, with your strong Lower Mound of Mars, as indicated by its healthy shape and color. On your best days, your take-charge attitude makes people stop and listen. This is a great attribute along with your energetic approach to life that is contagious. You stand out above others as extremely motivated.
Mound of Venus
The Mound of Venus — located in the lower right portion of your palm — is related to love, sympathy, and depth of emotion.
You have a powerful Mound of Venus, as exemplified by its vibrant shape and color. At your brightest moments, your thoughtfulness and caring demeanor shine through as one of your best strengths. These traits set you apart from the rest. Others often want to cry on your shoulder. Hence you possess such a great skill for counseling and have handed out your fair share of advice.
Mound of Moon
The Mound of Moon — located in the lower left portion of your palm — is related to intuition, mental acuity, and adeptness with thinking outside the box.
As illustrated by its awesome shape and color, you have a mighty Mound of Moon. When you're at your best, your inventiveness can lead you to truly original ideas that most people wouldn't think of.
Your Fingers and Thumb
While you may not consider the fingers and thumbs as part of a palm reading, they really do play a significant part of a traditional hand analysis. Palmists read signs in the fingers and thumb as well as using them as landmarks for other parts of the reading. The interpretation of the mounds and lines of the palm are highly influenced by their proximity to each finger and the thumb.
The shape of your fingers and thumb reveal that you are a practical person. You may find that you enjoy structure in certain situations. To solve many issues in life you use a logical approach. The finger and thumb shape create energies that influence the reading of each of your fingers and thumb and by extension, your entire palm.
Your index finger, also called the Jupiter Finger, traditionally corresponds with leadership abilities. Your Jupiter Finger is strong which means you probably enjoy being in charge. You'll likely prefer to have a team of people working under your direction and enjoy guiding people to meet their potential. Your index finger leans away from your middle finger, indicating your need for independence and autonomy. While being able to do things on your own is often a welcomed attribute, you need to examine your level of self-sufficiency. It should not prohibit you from asking for help when you need it.
Your middle finger, also called the Saturn Finger, traditionally corresponds with confidence. Your palm bears a strong Saturn Finger. One could probably bet your sense of self- worth ranks high. It is more likely that you take risks in life because you believe in your ability to succeed.
Your ring finger, also called the Apollo Finger, traditionally corresponds with creativity. You have a strong Apollo Finger, which may mean you were born with your own creative nature. You probably love contributing to the world in ways that challenge you to think of unusual and original methods of doing things. Your ring finger leans away from your middle finger, indicating your lack of concern for the consequences of your actions. This tendency may allow you to be highly creative, but if left unchecked, you may find that you run into trouble with the people around you.
Your pinky finger, also called the Mercury Finger, traditionally corresponds with insight and understanding. You are blessed with a strong Mercury Finger. As a result, you probably find that you have a natural talent for understanding other people. Your friends usually routinely turn to you for your insight. Your guidance helps them understand their interactions with others. Your pinky finger leans in toward your ring finger, indicating your ability to blend in with most groups and social situations.
Your thumb can be read to ascertain your level of flexibility when it comes to dealing with people or unpredictable situations. Your thumb reveals that you are a fairly flexible person who commonly tries to keep the peace.
Is Palm Reading for real?
In-depth analysis
Your palm lines
Special markings
History behind palmistry
For More Reading
Hernie, the shape of your hand reveals that you are especially good at
Expressing your true self
The signs we read in your palm indicate you have much to gain by exploring and declaring who you really are. By putting directed energy toward your self-expression, your efforts will be returned multi-fold.
How does Tickle know this about you? Using a sample of over 1400 people, Tickle's psychologists sought to validate what palmists have known for centuries — the lines in your hand and the formation of your palm can be a true reflection of the individual if properly interpreted. Through rigorous statistical analyses, Tickle was able to find empirical evidence that certain relationships exist between the characteristics of your palm and the way you approach life. For example, our research experts found that there is a significant likelihood that people with:
A Life Line origin high and close to their index finger live life to its fullest
A variable depth Head Line have widely varying levels of concentration
A Heart Line destination curving toward their middle finger are highly expressive
Rounded fingers and thumbs are impressionable
A pink Mound of Saturn have a high sense of self worth and are reliable and cautious
Hand analysis has been used for centuries to explore possibilities for the present and future. Hand analysts believe that your life shapes the lines in your palm because the way that you use your hands directly reflects your relationship to the world. An in-depth analysis of your palm can help you tap into your special abilities as well as help you guide your future by reading the signs.
To help you better consider the information you might hear from a traditionally trained palmist or hand analyst, Tickle has generated a traditional palm reading with scientific annotations. These annotations reflect the confidence with which Tickle would agree with a traditionally trained palmist. Items with three checkmarks reflect a high confidence of accuracy — three or more claims were statistically validated in Tickle's study. Items with two checkmarks indicate that two claims were statistically validated. Items with one checkmark indicate that one claim was statistically validated. Items with no checkmarks were not validated in Tickle's study.
Palmists can learn a substantial amount from the lines of your palm. The four major lines are your Life Line, Head Line, Heart Line, and Destiny Line. From your Life Line, a palmist can tell what your general approach to life is and how you deal with life's challenges. Your Head Line reveals how you process information and think through problems. Your Heart Line can give a palmist insight into your personal relationships, including friends, family, and significant other(s). Your Destiny Line pertains to changes in your personal drive and focus over time. In addition, a palmist can read some of the lesser lines — if they are present in your palm — for information on your level of creativity, communication skill, and attachments you may have or will have with others throughout your life.
Life Line
The Life Line reveals your approach to life and how you handle uncertainty or hardship. It is a common misconception that the Life Line can tell you when you will die. Even persons with relatively short Life Lines can live a long life. Generally, the information that can be gleaned from your Life Line pertains to your overall outlook and the ease with which you will travel through your life.
You tend to seek out adventure in your life. To you there are no limitations. You often push yourself beyond the boundaries that may have been prescribed to you by others. Your individuality is likely to lead you in some unexpected directions.
One of the most important things to you in life is to make sure that you are living your life to its fullest. When you have regrets, they are likely to stem from a sense of not having done enough or wishing that you had done something differently.
When you are confronted with conflicts in life, you tend to react in a carefree manner, trusting that things will work out over time. This can mean that you may neglect a problem until you're swimming in hot water.
Head Line
The Head Line reveals how you process information and think through problems. It is a common misconception that the Head Line can tell you how intelligent you are. Persons with various styles of Head Lines can be very smart, but in different ways. Primarily, the information that can be gathered from your Head Line pertains to your particular way of understanding the information you come into contact with throughout your life.
When it comes to leadership, you are probably quite comfortable in either the role of the leader or the follower. Since taking charge is not necessarily something you covet, you are usually fine with stepping aside to let someone else take the lead. However, if no one else steps up, you know you are capable of taking on the leader role.
Your thought process tends to be based on intuition. You probably enjoy letting your imagination get the best of you during your decision-making process, and you may lean on some psychic abilities. Your knack to draw on your intuition may leave others feeling lost or confused about your thought process.
The projects that you tend to welcome the most are ones where you can rely on your intuition or people skills to solve various problems. You prefer this rather than periods of intense concentration.
When you have a choice, you'd probably rather research and investigate multiple options simultaneously. You are likely a master multi-tasker who enjoys having many balls in the air at the same time.
Heart Line
The Heart Line reveals how you handle the relationships in your life and how comfortable you are with intimacy. It is a common misconception that the Heart Line can tell you definitively what relationships you will have in the future. On average, the information that can be collected from your Heart Line indicates the influences in your life that have in the past or will in the future affect your personal relationships, including friends, family, and significant other(s).
Your ability to be intimate with others may be influenced by a lack of commitment. You may find it difficult to make emotional promises, even if you are married. People you don't know well may find you somewhat distant.
In a close relationship, you tend to be a nurturing person who is especially focused on helping others. Your ideal life partner will likely reward you for your sensitivity and generosity. At times, you may run into conflict in your relationships by being too self-sacrificing. This creates a resentful attitude in you.
For more information about your close relationships with others, see the "Attachment Lines" section of this report below.
Destiny Line
The Destiny Line (also called the Saturn Line) reveals changes in your personal drive and focus over time. There is much that a palmist can tell about your career and/or personal drive, including approximate timing of major events or changes — just by looking at the Destiny Line! Primarily, the information garnered from your Destiny Line on your right palm — the Palm you looked at to answer the questions on this test — pertains to your career. In turn, the information gathered from your Destiny Line on your left palm pertains to your personal sense of purpose.
Your career choice is likely influenced by your intense focus, along with your gifted ability to systematically set and achieve goals. Dedicated and persistent, the job most likely to make you work around the clock is one that rewards your steady and unwavering pace toward completing objectives.
Your career direction is likely constructed by your resourcefulness and adaptability. When you reach a fork in the road you're probably not worried. Most likely, you're able to feel comfortable following either path.
Apollo Line
The Apollo Line can predict your level of creativity and flexibility, although not everyone has an Apollo Line; it is a vertical line that appears below your ring finger.
The presence of an Apollo Line — especially a long or deep one — suggests higher than average success in creative ventures. A person with an Apollo Line is more likely to receive acknowledgement as an expert or specialist in their chosen field. There is also a high likelihood of gaining personal recognition.
Mercury Line
The Mercury Line can foretell your skill at communication or psychic ability. However, not everyone has a Mercury Line; it is a vertical line that appears below your pinky finger.
If you don't have a Mercury Line in your palm, it doesn't represent a lack of communication skills. Usually, it suggests you land around average or slightly above in your public speaking skills. Otherwise, there is a chance that you may not listen to your intuition as closely as those with a Mercury Line.
Your palm does not contain the Line of Psychic Ability, which resembles an arc that is an extension of a person's Mercury Line. While psychics do not always have the Line of Psychic Ability, those who have the line can more easily tap into their paranormal skills. While you may have psychic abilities, you will likely have a more difficult time accessing them than someone with the Line of Psychic Ability.
Attachment Lines
The Attachment Lines reveal the major relationships you may have with others. Traditional palmists engage in ample debate about the validity of these lines as predictions of marriages and children. However, most agree that the attachment lines indicate the possibility that a person might marry or have children, whether they choose to or not is a decision left to the individual.
A palmist would say that you will be married multiple times or have several committed relationships that do not lead to marriage. It will be up to you at some point to make a decision that will either drive you toward or away from each of these relationships. A palmist would say that you will have the opportunity to have at least one child, probably including a girl. The decision to embrace this opportunity to bring children into your life is yours.
The mounds of your palm can tell you what kinds of energy you possess naturally and which energies will be more difficult for you to access. Through a careful examination of the fleshy areas of your hand, you can learn which areas of life you will be most likely to find success. The following traits were determined by looking at the shape and color of different areas of your hand.
Mound of Jupiter
The Mound of Jupiter — located in the upper right corner of your palm, just below your index finger — is related to your personal power, your hopes and ambitions, and your ability to lead others.
You are blessed with a strong Mound of Jupiter. So, what does that mean? When you are at your best, the clear goals you set go hand-in-hand with your self-motivated direction. Together these qualities tend to set you apart from others as a strong leader.
Mound of Saturn
The Mound of Saturn — located in the upper portion of your palm, just below your middle finger — is related to your concept of self-worth, personal satisfaction, and security.
Your palm reveals a somewhat poor Mound of Saturn, as affirmed by its shape and color. You probably don't have an innate gift for self-reflection or personal accountability. To tap into your inner tranquility all you need to do is put forth the commitment to change. It's well within your reach!
Mound of Apollo
The Mound of Apollo — located in the upper portion of your palm, just below your ring finger — is related to self-expression, originality, and recognition of your talents by others.
You possess a hearty Mound of Apollo. When you're at the top of your game, you exude creativity effortlessly. Thinking quick on your feet is what you're known for. This along with your inventiveness sets you apart from the rest. If anyone is looking for an original perspective, they often come to you as an endless source of unique ideas.
Mound of Mercury
The Mound of Mercury — located in the upper portion of your palm, just below your pinky finger — is related to intimacy, spiritual understanding, and interpersonal communication.
You can tell by its great shape and color that a healthy dose of Mound of Mercury sits in your palm. When things are going well for you, one could say that communicating clearly is your strong point. You really understand what makes people tick. Others feel comfortable sharing intimate details of their life with you that they may not with others. Family and friends look to you as a deep and insightful confidant.
Mound of Mars
Upper Mound of Mars
The Upper Mound of Mars located in the middle left portion of your palm — is related to inner calm, boldness, and skill at dealing with life's problems.
The plump shape and color in your palm signifies a strong Upper Mound of Mars. When you have your best foot forward, you have the uncanny ability to maintain your cool in the midst of chaos. This singles you out from the rest as an exceptionally stable and brave individual.
Lower Mound of Mars
The Lower Mound of Mars — located in the middle right portion of your palm — is related to action, aggressiveness, and the momentum to make things happen.
You're all that, with your strong Lower Mound of Mars, as indicated by its healthy shape and color. On your best days, your take-charge attitude makes people stop and listen. This is a great attribute along with your energetic approach to life that is contagious. You stand out above others as extremely motivated.
Mound of Venus
The Mound of Venus — located in the lower right portion of your palm — is related to love, sympathy, and depth of emotion.
You have a powerful Mound of Venus, as exemplified by its vibrant shape and color. At your brightest moments, your thoughtfulness and caring demeanor shine through as one of your best strengths. These traits set you apart from the rest. Others often want to cry on your shoulder. Hence you possess such a great skill for counseling and have handed out your fair share of advice.
Mound of Moon
The Mound of Moon — located in the lower left portion of your palm — is related to intuition, mental acuity, and adeptness with thinking outside the box.
As illustrated by its awesome shape and color, you have a mighty Mound of Moon. When you're at your best, your inventiveness can lead you to truly original ideas that most people wouldn't think of.
Your Fingers and Thumb
While you may not consider the fingers and thumbs as part of a palm reading, they really do play a significant part of a traditional hand analysis. Palmists read signs in the fingers and thumb as well as using them as landmarks for other parts of the reading. The interpretation of the mounds and lines of the palm are highly influenced by their proximity to each finger and the thumb.
The shape of your fingers and thumb reveal that you are a practical person. You may find that you enjoy structure in certain situations. To solve many issues in life you use a logical approach. The finger and thumb shape create energies that influence the reading of each of your fingers and thumb and by extension, your entire palm.
Your index finger, also called the Jupiter Finger, traditionally corresponds with leadership abilities. Your Jupiter Finger is strong which means you probably enjoy being in charge. You'll likely prefer to have a team of people working under your direction and enjoy guiding people to meet their potential. Your index finger leans away from your middle finger, indicating your need for independence and autonomy. While being able to do things on your own is often a welcomed attribute, you need to examine your level of self-sufficiency. It should not prohibit you from asking for help when you need it.
Your middle finger, also called the Saturn Finger, traditionally corresponds with confidence. Your palm bears a strong Saturn Finger. One could probably bet your sense of self- worth ranks high. It is more likely that you take risks in life because you believe in your ability to succeed.
Your ring finger, also called the Apollo Finger, traditionally corresponds with creativity. You have a strong Apollo Finger, which may mean you were born with your own creative nature. You probably love contributing to the world in ways that challenge you to think of unusual and original methods of doing things. Your ring finger leans away from your middle finger, indicating your lack of concern for the consequences of your actions. This tendency may allow you to be highly creative, but if left unchecked, you may find that you run into trouble with the people around you.
Your pinky finger, also called the Mercury Finger, traditionally corresponds with insight and understanding. You are blessed with a strong Mercury Finger. As a result, you probably find that you have a natural talent for understanding other people. Your friends usually routinely turn to you for your insight. Your guidance helps them understand their interactions with others. Your pinky finger leans in toward your ring finger, indicating your ability to blend in with most groups and social situations.
Your thumb can be read to ascertain your level of flexibility when it comes to dealing with people or unpredictable situations. Your thumb reveals that you are a fairly flexible person who commonly tries to keep the peace.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
i am what i am
Oh I am what I am
I'll do what I want
but I can't hide
I won't go.
I won't sleep.
I can't breathe.
Until you're resting here with me.
I won't leave.
I can't hide.
I cannot be
Until you're resting here with me.
ulang dan ulang dan ulang...ulang lagi!! bosan betul aku x tau cemana nak buh gambaq..ishk!! sakit jiwa dah...cik bai, commin help me how to put my beautiful picture 'manja yang lara' tu...
I'll do what I want
but I can't hide
I won't go.
I won't sleep.
I can't breathe.
Until you're resting here with me.
I won't leave.
I can't hide.
I cannot be
Until you're resting here with me.
ulang dan ulang dan ulang...ulang lagi!! bosan betul aku x tau cemana nak buh gambaq..ishk!! sakit jiwa dah...cik bai, commin help me how to put my beautiful picture 'manja yang lara' tu...
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
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